Visit your bag. Go to a store that you know to be selling authentic top-quality Chloe handbags, and take a close look at the item. Note the details of stitching, placement of identification tags and the serial numbers; you can even request to see the dust bag.

Coach bags are iconic for a reason; this classic brand, first launched in New York City in 1941,c reates high-quality, hand-crafted leather goods that never go out of style. But their high demand means there are a lot of imitators out there; Coach bags and wallets are often copied illegally, with knockoffs available online, on street corners, out of sketchy car trunks! The only way to know your Coach bag is a true original is with the bag’s serial number. Open the handbag and find the serial number tag.

This is a leather patch with the Coach logo and motto, typically sewn in directly under the interior pocket zipper. The serial number is at the bottom of the tag and contains a minimum of 4 letters and 4 numbers. Kirgizcha tosttor zhana kaaloolor. Call at 1 (904) 741-3090 and give the representative your serial number. All authentic Coach bags are registered with the company in their database and the rep will be able to verify the bag’s authenticity. You can also visit a Coach retail location. The manager or sales associate will be able to do a database search to let you know if your bag's for real.

★★Important: Read Before Posting★★ • • NO DISCUSSION OF ILLEGAL/IMMORAL SALES • NO POSTING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION • No hatespeech, including in your username • No memes/image macros, nothing NSFW without specific warnings • This isn't a marketplace () nor is it 'look what i saw!' () • Self promotion has its own weekly thread • Reddit automatically removes affiliate links so check before linking from Amazon • No referral links or shortened links •. PM the mods to contribute.

• No item identification/pricing threads, please use the weekly 'Help me sell this' threads or try posting on or instead. • If you post a 'What's This Worth?'

Thread and can answer it, we'll remove it. • If your post is asking about what to do about an item take-down request or legal notice, we'll remove it.

• If your post can easily fit into any of the weekly threads (below), we'll remove it. Getting Started: Basic Advice • • • • Also check out the Daily Newbie Thread Schedule of Recurring Threads * * (M) * (W) * (H) * (F) * (Sa) * (Su) Post of the Moment Online Tools 's 's Related Sub-Reddits Related Blogs • is not affiliated with any of these blogs and holds no responsibility for their content. ( Last Update: 4th Jan 19). I'm about 95% sure this is a fake. The stitching on the handles in the second picture isn't even, and the stitching in the third picture doesn't look like clean stitches.

For a brand that has bags that retail for $1000+ you should expect absolutely perfect stitching. And even after a great deal of use, it shouldn't be that messy.

In the 4th picture, if you notice the tag on the inside that says Chloe, it looks like a flap, and is only stitched on the top. All the Chloe bags I've seen have the tag fully stitched in. Does it have a serial number somewhere on the inside? The serial number would appear as such: XX-XX-XX (where the X's are numbers).

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