We stress that there are hundreds of thousands Jews around the world who identify with our opposition to the Zionist ideology and who feel that Zionism is not Jewish, but a political agenda. Karta napryazhenij usilitelya amfiton.
The Trident A-Range is a legendary piece of equipment. As only thirteen A-Range consoles were ever made, it remains a holy grail for sound engineers and producers around the world that hope to create works of art equal to those that were originally recorded on the A-Range — David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust, Queen, Elton John, the list goes on. The A-Range plug-in from Softube is the first and only native and TDM plug-in that has been fully endorsed by original designer Malcolm Toft and Trident Audio. The plug-in is a model of a channel on one of the original 13 Trident A-Range consoles.
We chose to model channel 15 from the console at Sweet Silence Studio 'B' in Denmark, producer Flemming Rasmussen's favorite channel for recording lead vocals. Flemming also used it for the solo and rhythm guitars on Metallica's 'Ride The Lightning' and 'Master of Puppets', and Ritchie Blackmore's guitar on the Rainbow albums 'Difficult to Cure' and 'Bent out of Shape'. The A-Range channel features four bands of equalization and high and low pass filters.
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The sound of the bands is often referred to as 'colorful' and 'musical'. When running a hot enough signal through the original unit and boosting the bands, it is possible to get it to distort, the result is a hairy and effective saturation that is just right in some situations, and just wrong in others! In Short * Created together with original designer Malcolm Toft * Each and every component carefully modeled * Same sweet sounding EQ filters that made the original legendary * Interaction between the different bands, making this equalizer one of its kind * Saturation control * Very CPU friendly.
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