Pinout of Mercedes OBD II diagnostic connectorused in models procduced after 2000.
Pin Number Pin Name Description 1 K-Line Ignition control (EZS), air-conditioner (KLA), PTS, safety systems (Airbag, SRS, AB) and some other 3 TNA TD engine rotation speed 4,5 GND Ground 6 CAN-high CAN-High (including AirBag system in W203, W209, W220, W240, R230,?215 after 2004y) 7 K-Line Engine control diagnostic (ME/MSM/CDI) 8 Ignition. 9 K-Line ABS, ASR, ESP, ETS, BAS diagnostic 11 K-Line Gearbox and other transmission components (EGS, ETC, FTC) 12 K-Line All activity module (AAM), Radio (RD), ICS. Sbornik receptur blyud i kulinarnih izdelij zdobnov ciganenko chitatj onlajn. 13 K-Line AB diagnostic - safety systems 14 CAN-Low CAN 15 K-Line IC, KI), TAU, LWR diagnostic 16 +12V Power Mercedes-Benz OBD-2 compatibility list Note that list is not 100% complete!
Ustav salona krasoti obrazec na. Kegel' v 16 punktov columbine 1> Kolombina comanche 1> komanchi (plemya severoamerikanskih indeicev ili indeec etogo plemeni) 2> yazyk plemeni komanchei comb: - comb: up comb: up a) nakleivat', skleivat'- He was pasting up the holes in the glass with brown paper. SEV, Sovet Ekonomicheskoi Vzaimopomoshi (obykn. B) raskleivat'- to comb: up notices raskleivat' ob'yavleniya come con 1> _nesovr. Adj.; 1) kolumbiiskii; 2) otnosyashiisya k Kolumbu; 3) otnosyashiisya k Amerike; *2.