This project tracks the development of coronary artery disease interventions, ranging from early method of cardiac bypass to balloon angioplasty to the development of biomedical stents. Analyses of the competitive climate in the biomedical stents industry is discussed. New market and technology strategies are proposed for a regional MNC to leverage domestic industry infrastructure within emerging economies accompanied by a projected 30% growth in CAD due to increased consumption trends and lifestyle factors, e.g.

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No notes for slide• • • • • • • • • involves only a small incision through which a balloon-tipped catheter • • • Coronary stents, eventually disrupt the CABG Market to become the dominant mode of treatment in the market.Procedure rates for CABG and PTCA in New York State, 1982–2000. Source: SPARCS database, 1982–2000 • Internalization = Learn by doing • • • • • • • • 2002: The reduction in the need for new revascularisation procedures has been the main clinical benefit of DES over BMS2006:reports began to hit the U.S.

Market that (DESs) might pose an increased risk of late stent thrombosis for some patients. • • Bare Metal Stents -> Drug-Eluting Stents -> Polymer Coated DES • Bare Metal Stents -> Drug-Eluting Stents -> Polymer Coated DES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Source: MedMarket Diligence, LLC; Report #C245, 'Worldwide Drug-Eluting, Bare Metal and Other Coronary Stents, 2008-2017.' Drug Eluting Stents Segment Largest and Fastest Growing Segment in the Coronary Stents Market. Continues to lead the global coronary stent market, with a contribution of 83% towards it in 2009. The global segment is expected to reach $5.6 billion in 2016 after growing at a CAGR of 3% from 2009-2016.Source: Source: Report #C245, 'Worldwide Coronary Stents Market, 2008-2017,' published May 2009 by MedMarket Diligence.• 1.000,00 • • Interventional cardiology medical device industry is similar to pharmaceutical or biotech industry, it is governed by regulatory approval such as U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

• the technological breakthroughs that level the playing field on the exploration front also create new opportunities for established firms in exploitationSmall firms require large firms’ financial support and regulatory savvy, while larger corporations desire access to the research prowess of smaller companies. MT5007: The coronary stent revolution (A group project for the Management of Technology Innovation module) • 1.

Mignolo is Director of the Institute for Global Studies in Humanities, William H. Wannamaker Professor of Literature and Romance Studies, and Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Duke University.

He is the author of The Idea of Latin America; Local Histories/Global Designs: Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and Border Thinking; and The Darker Side of The Renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality and Colonization and a co-editor of Rereading the Black Legend: The Discourses of Religious and Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires.