Zee Telugu is all set to further strengthen its fiction line up by launching another new show 'Rama Sitha Ekkada?' Replacing the most successful and long running serial Muddu Bidda from Aug 25th. Is the story of a young man, whose love for his wife turns into an obsessionwhere the love for his wife becomes a burden too. The story narrates difficulties ousted out due to this excessive love. The obsession turns a beautiful line into a tale of terror and haunts her, even when she escapes from the hell. What happens to their relationship and how Meenakshi dares & challenges him and tackles the situation is the rest of story. Leading producer & director Puli Vasu is doing this serial.
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Premiering on Aug 25th, this daily serial will be telecasted from Monday to Saturday @ 8 pm only on Zee Telugu. Report By: Kiran Kumar Topu Mail your feedback at.
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