is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 8 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from Indonesia, where it reached as high as 4 position. receives less than 1.62% of its total traffic. It was owned by several entities, from Google Inc. To Google LLC, it was hosted by Google Inc. And Google LLC. While MARKMONITOR INC. Was its first registrar, now it is moved to MarkMonitor Inc. Rachelle Chiarappa works as a bartender at Latitude 41 at the Renaissance Hotel in Columbus, but she's done her fair share of drink mixing in the Miami Valley. receives less than 1.62% of its total traffic. It was owned by several entities, from Google Inc. To Google LLC, it was hosted by Google Inc.

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Favorite shortcuts behind the bar? Squeeze all your juices beforehand, have all your herbs in glassware ready and close at hand and, if you are having a large event or know you will be slammed, promote a single drink so you can batch a large amount and shake it over ice when you need it.

What is your go-to cocktail? The Black Eyed Sally. This is my go-to when entertaining. I have found that bourbon drinkers are hesitant to drink vodka, so this was a drink that incorporated the best of both and it is out of this world.

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Also, very easy to batch ahead of time. What are your favorite bar snacks?

I love bar snacks and appetizers, the problem is I will eat them until they are gone if they are sitting in front of me. Some of my favorites though are the Asian sesame mixes, wasabi almonds or housemade pita chips that are flavored with different spices and served alongside fresh goat cheese. It is nice to have a variety of textures and flavors. That way people can eat what compliments their drink. What bartending trends are happening right now? People are really gravitating towards using local distilleries of any kind.

It really is a wonderful thing because it keeps the money in the city you live in and you can experience the purveyors passion firsthand. You are also seeing cocktails that incorporate both liquors and beers in one drink. I like the idea of this because most times, serious craft beer drinkers stick to beers and the same for people who favor cocktails. Seeing the two come together really is cool and requires quite a bit of skill to make it work as a drink. I find that the Midwest still loves their energy mixed drinks but I am also seeing a rebirth of the classic cocktails (Manhattan, Old Fashions, French Martinis, etc.) with modern spins on them. Bottled juices are taking a backseat to seasonal juices which I think restaurants were hesitant to adopt at first because it used to always be about making sure that all ingredients for both food and drinks were readily at hand at all times. I think many are starting to jump on the bandwagon though because customers have become more open to changing menus and items, especially if it is based on seasonality of items.

For those not familiar with the Buckeye Vodka brand, can you give us some background. The vodka has gained popularity in most areas of the state.


It has three major factors going for it: locally made product, less than $20 and quality that puts it on par with the major premium brands. We use corn to make our vodka, which also makes it gluten free.

The water that the vodka is distilled with is from the Miami Valley through The Crystal Water Company. Our stills are set up in the warehouse next door. Our vodka is distilled more than 10 times and each time it moves through the still, we taste test it and see if it needs to go through again. We do this until we believe it is perfect.