IVMS-4200 Intelligent Video Management System is a newly designed colligation software which includes not only HIKVISION NVR, DVR and IP camera management functions, but also compression card, decoder connection and setup functions. The software contains 5 subsystems: User Client, PC Storage Server, Stream Media Server. Feb 16, 2018 - So this is a specific binary file. I had both in my laptop and my desktop a software called IVMs-4200 from hikvision I dont think they support.
I see there is an to this one, from 2 years ago and with no answers, so was hoping that people would have new ideas on how to solve it. My computer is Windows 10 running iVMS-4200 V2.6.2.7. It is connected directly into a switch.
Proishozhdeniya so znacheniem: 2> sovmestnosti, soedineniya _Ex: condominium kondominium; sovladenie; _Ex: connect soedinyat'; _Ex: consistent sovmestimyi; _Ex: contact kontakt; 3> shodstva, sorazmernosti _Ex: contemporary sovremennyi _Ex: coequal ravnyi; _Ex: compatible sovmestimyi; co-active 1> deistvuyushie sovmestno co-ally 1> soyuznik co-anchor 1> _tlv. Pulemet kompleksnoi ustanovki co-belligerent 1> soyuznik (v voine), sovoyuyushaya storona co-brother 1> sobrat co-chair 1> sopredsedatel'stvovat' co-chairman 1> sopredsedatel' co-debtor 1> _yur. Pomoshnik vedushego (programmu); vtoroi vedushii co-author 1> soavtor 2> pisat', sozdavat' v soavtorstve _Ex: he had written a couple of plays co-authored with somebody else on napisal dve p'esy v soavtorstve s kem-to drugim co-ax noun mil. Ustav salona krasoti obrazec sa.
The camera is also connected directly into the switch. There is nothing else connected (no router/etc.). The camera has an internal 100GB SD card. When I try to download a recording I get the error shown in the screen shot below: Insufficient HDD Space (bottom right). As you can also see from that screen shot, there 24.8GB available on my hard drive. I am able to replay recordings no problem.
Any ideas why this is happening or how to solve it? As a side note, what does the status of 'Waiting' mean? All of my recordings have that status. I have the same issue. It's a bug in the Hikvision software that makes it not compatible with Windows 10. The software is not able to get the available space correctly when trying to save the file on disk due to the fact they use a call from an older Windows DLL that is no longer compatible with Windows 10.
I tried all the obvious solutions: • Making more space available • Setting the directory where the files are saved to a different drive. • Checking the write permissions It is interesting that the GUI is using a different system call so is able to see that there is plenty of available space on the target drive, but the actual code that searches and extracts the video from the storage server is using the old system call.