Malayalam Full Movie Story Happy Husbands Mukundan Menon (Jayaram) runs a magazine called Kerala Today. He is a normal husband who loves his wife Krishnendu (Bhavana) a lot, but she is too possessive about him. She thinks he is not very expressive about his feelings, and is always worried that he might one day fall for some other beautiful girl. John Mathai (Jayasurya) is a photographer in Mukundan’s publication. He was neither interested in girls nor keen to get married until he met Sereena (Vandana). Rahul (Indrajith) is just the opposite. He is extremely romantic and never comes home without some cute gifts for his wife, Shreya (Samvrutha Sunil).
But she doesn’t know that, behind her back, her darling husband is dying to flirt with every woman that he sees. It is into the lives of these three couples that a bar singer, Diana (Rima Kallingal), arrives and things take some interesting turns. Diana is seeking to take revenge on Mukundan Menon since it was on his article in Kerala Today that the Maharashtra court took as a petition and then banned the bar girls in Maharasthra thus ruining Diana’s profession.
Diana forcibly comes to Mukundan Menon’s house one day with her evil intentions and that catches the eyes of Krishnendu. Rasshifrovka kodov oshibok bmv e65. To escape from trouble, Mukundan Menon says that she is the wife of John.
Later, when John, Mukundan and Rahul were talking about John’s marriage proposal to Serena’s dad, Diana comes there by accident and there Rahul says that she is Mukundan’s wife and she is mentally imbalanced. So now Krishnendu and Shreya thinks Diana is John’s wife and John’s real wife Serneena believes that Diana is Mukundan’s wife. At one time, all these people come together at Malaysia for a vacation and that leads to a lot of confusion among the wives and others. What happens next forms the rest of the story. So here is the question, What does a Cinema means? Yes, in a broad sense it's a media for entertainment to the public.
The movie follows to tell how these three men get confused enough, to keep themselves safe from their suspicious wives. Happy Husbands From $2.99. Running time: 2:37:10 Language: Malayalam. Happy Husbands Malayalam Full Movie Comedy Scenes. Happy Husbands. Samvrutha, Va.
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