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Frontline’s Solvers for Excel are upward compatible from the Solver included in Excel, which Frontline developed for Microsoft, and improved in Excel 2010 for Windows and Excel 2011 for Macintosh. Frontline Solvers provide a number of Excel Add-Ins, and it is claimed that Premium Solver Pro will solver larger optimization problems with much greater speed (between 2 and 50 times faster). Up to 2000 decision variables can be specified and users can specify their problems with an Excel Solver type utility or a Ribbon and Task Pane interface.

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As the CJEU reasoned, such obligation would require that Member State de facto need to allow applications for international protection to Member States embassies in third-countries and if third-country nationals was allowed to lodge application for such visas it would undermine the purpose of the Dublin III Regulation. Blanki cennikov v word. Accordingly, it seems as if the CJEU left the responsibility for granting humanitarian visas to Member States themselves.

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