Royal Alpha 9170 Cash Register Ribbons and Ink Rollers from EBS 1-800-816-6855. Alpha9170 Royal Cash Register Paper - Parts - Manuals - Keys - Ink - Drawers - Programming. To view this book on CD. Download Adobe Reader ¬.
A friend of mine found a Royal Alpha 9170 cash register (rather optimistically described as a 'cash management system' from the printing on the case). They tinkered with it and then asked me for help in setting it up. (I have no idea where they got the idea that I'd know anything about this. All I've ever done is repair this, that and the other thing for them.:-) ) It's been sitting unused and the little NiCad battery on the main board was depleted, so the programming has been lost.
(Perhaps even more amazingly, the battery has come up after letting the register sit for a few days while plugged inand is in great physical condition.) So now it needs to be programmed with the time, date and tax rate. Maybe later it would be nice to program departments, clerks and stuff like that. I've given this a few tries now and haven't really gotten anywhere. The manuals currently available for other registers on the Royal web site just aren't close enough, and I've tried a lot of them to be sure. Royal was no help when contacted, they claimed to not have the manual on file. I've even looked around to see if I could find someone selling a manual, and I came up empty handed when I tried. So now I thought I'd ask here, and see if anyone might have such a manual?
I'd gladly throw in a few bucks for even a decent photocopy of one. William 19/4/2009, 19:33 น. > I have this cash register and bought it used I am having trouble > with finding the fuse. The display lights wont come on and > can not find where to put a fuse. I remember seeing a fuse inside the unit, and I believe it was on the main circuit board.
When you get inside, you'll find that there is a moderately sized power transformer. As far as I can tell, it is not directly fused. Contoh rpp sd kelas 1. It plugs into the circuit board, and that is the first place I saw a fuse. It's always possible that the fuse is the problem, but if a replacement blows when installed, there is definitely something else wrong. > Anyways if you would like a copy of this manual I really would!
I will be contacting you right away, and I appreciate the offer! William 24/8/2014, 20:18 น. Wrote: > Its a long shot but by chance do you still have a copy of the Cash > Register Royal 9170 Owners Manual? A little Googling reveals links to manuals for a couple of similar models.
They may not be exactly what you need, but perhaps they will get you started. Royal Alpha 9155sc Royal Alpha 9180sc Other than that, Royal's phone number in the US appears to be +1 888 261 4555, or email them at info -at-. Standard disclaimers apply; I don't get money or other consideration from any companies mentioned. Matt Roberds.
The memory of a Royal cash register stores a wide range of data, including transactions, price look-up codes and other programming options you chose during setup. When you perform a Full System Clear, you remove all this information and restore the cash register to its original factory default settings. This must be done when a manager forgets a pass code or the register malfunctions and troubleshooting doesn't correct the issue. Antivirus software for windows 7. The method you use to erase the memory depends on the Royal cash register model you’re using.