Who out there has one of Randy Vincent's books. The Drop 2 Book or Three Note Voicings & Beyond? I'm curious if one is a better start than the other, where they might overlap (if they do), etc. I'm leaning towards starting with the Drop 2 Book to further develop my limited Drop 2 knowledge. I play drop 2s quite a bit, but I don't have them down as much as I'd like (more inversions, voice leading, soloing with them, etc).
But then I saw the 3 Note Voicing book. I might just get both, but wanted to see how they compare. Many drop 3 voicings needs to be played in akward fingerings when using a pick, some you can't really use without the fingers (or some sort of hybrid picking). So I'd say, just because of technical matters of the guitar, go with drop 2 first.Agree, but the other book mentioned was about 3-note voicings, not drop-3 voicings. I have both, and they are both great. The book on 3-note voicings is very useful even without the drop-2 book, since those 3-note shell voicings can be used as a starting point for amost everything, both comping ands chord soloing, and they make excellent voice leading possible. I have both books and they are great.
For those interested, Sher Music has just released the PDF of Randy's Drop-2 book. The PDF for Three-note Voicings will be available soon. Here's the link: Jazz Guitar Voicings - Vol.1: The Drop 2 Book by Randy Vincent Sher Music Co. On orders over $25—or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime. Jazz Guitar Voicings - Vol.1: The Drop 2 Book. Randy Vincent.
Before I had these books, I was working out of Barry Galbraith's Guitar Comping book for a while. It's an amazing book and I am able to analyze most of the chord choices, but there wasn't any elaboration on the things played. I think that's all good and it didn't make me think less of the book at all. The Randy Vincent books have many examples and the how-to of it all.
I think it's a great combination and everything is realistic. It all depends on what is resonating with you right now as a player. I have the book and love it. Even within the limitations it sets it goes much farther and in greater detail than guitar books generally do. There are many overwhelming charts and I am not convinced that the idea of superimposition of this chord in this context yields new harmony X is the easiest and clearest way to teach the info but I can say that it changed the way I deal with voicings and melodies as well. I believe it is a worthwhile purchase even if it takes 3 years to be able to deal with it's density. Hallpass, you might try the 'barry harris method for guitar' which covers the same voicings as the randy vincent book but lays everything out with a very different theoretical underpinning.
I too had the drop 2 book and it didn't quite click until I started on Barry Harris. Nuff said: the three note voicings book covers alot more ground than the drop 2 book. Basically it's everything else you need for comping that's not drop 2. Closed and open triads, shell voicings with extensions, cuartal voicings, drop 2 minus one note, etc. These two books alone are a lifetime's worth of knowledge! I was thinking about this same question today, and found this thread.
My take on it is that you are going to learn both, so start with less complexity: three note voicings. They will give you a good foundation, as many drop voicings are just triads and 1, 3, 7 shells with another note added. Put another way, a three note chord is 3/4 of a four note chord. Overlapping certain triads and 1, 3, 7 shells gives you a four note seventh chord. I suppose the exceptions would be if you don't like the sound of three note chords, or you need fuller voicings immediately. Is my thinking overly reductive? Last edited by Jonzo; at 04:27 PM.
I was thinking about this same question today, and found this thread. My take on it is that you are going to learn both, so start with less complexity: three note voicings. They will give you a good foundation, as many drop voicings are just triads and 1, 3, 7 shells with another note added. Put another way, a three note chord is 3/4 of a four note chord. Overlapping certain triads and 1, 3, 7 shells gives you a four note seventh chord.
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I suppose the exceptions would be if you don't like the sound of three note chords, or you need fuller voicings immediately. Is my thinking overly reductive?I've ended up doing exactly the opposite.