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Hackathon Starter Live Demo: Jump to A boilerplate for Node.js web applications. If you have attended any hackathons in the past, then you know how much time it takes to get a project started: decide on what to build, pick a programming language, pick a web framework, pick a CSS framework. A while later, you might have an initial project up on GitHub and only then can other team members start contributing.
Or how about doing something as simple as Sign in with Facebook authentication? You can spend hours on it if you are not familiar with how OAuth 2.0 works. When I started this project, my primary focus was on simplicity and ease of use. I also tried to make it as generic and reusable as possible to cover most use cases of hackathon web apps, without being too specific. In the worst case you can use this as a learning guide for your projects, if for example you are only interested in Sign in with Google authentication and nothing else. Testimonials — Adrian Le Bas — Steven Rueter — Kevin Granger “Small world with Sahat's project. We were using his hackathon starter for our hackathon this past weekend and got some prizes.
Really handy repo!” — Interview candidate for one of the companies I used to work with. Body include partials/header.container include partials/flash block content include partials/footer If you have any further questions about flash messages, please feel free to open an issue and I will update this mini-guide accordingly, or send a pull request if you would like to include something that I missed. How do I create a new page? A more correct way to say this would be 'How do I create a new route?' The main file app.js contains all the routes. Each route has a callback function associated with it.
Lingea lexicon 5 platinum keygen. Sometimes you will see 3 or more arguments to routes. In cases like that, the first argument is still a URL string, while middle arguments are what's called middleware. Think of middleware as a door.
If this door prevents you from continuing forward, you won't get to your callback function. One such example is a route that requires authentication. Route( '/api/twitter '). All( passportConfig. All( passportConfig. Get( apiController.
Post( apiController. PostTwitter) Use whichever style that makes sense to you.
Either one is acceptable. I really think that chaining HTTP verbs on app.route is very clean and elegant approach, but on the other hand I can no longer see all my routes at a glance when you have one route per line. Create a new schema and a model Book.js inside the models directory. Const socket = io. Connect( '); Wait, why is it on port 8000?
Who knows, and if I didn't run across this I wouldn't even know I had to use port 8000. I am really glad that Heroku and OpenShift at least have a websockets support, because many other PaaS providers still do not support it. Due to the aforementioned issues with websockets, I cannot include socket.io as part of the Hackathon Starter. If you need to use socket.io in your app, please continue reading. First you need to install socket.io. Get( 'port '), () => { At this point we are done with the back-end.
You now have a choice - to include your JavaScript code in Pug templates or have all your client-side JavaScript in a separate file - in main.js. I will admit, when I first started out with Node.js and JavaScript in general, I placed all JavaScript code inside templates because I have access to template variables passed in from Express right then and there. It's the easiest thing you can do, but also the least efficient and harder to maintain. Since then I almost never include inline JavaScript inside templates anymore.
But it's also understandable if you want take the easier road. Most of the time you don't even care about performance during hackathons, you just want to before the time runs out. Well, either way, use whichever approach makes more sense to you. At the end of the day, it's what you build that matters, not how you build it. If you want to stick all your JavaScript inside templates, then in layout.pug - your main template file, add this to head block.
Gcloud app deploy • in the Cloud Console • for your app in the Cloud Console Changelog You can find the changelog for the project in: Contributing If something is unclear, confusing, or needs to be refactored, please let me know. Pull requests are always welcome, but due to the opinionated nature of this project, I cannot accept every pull request. Please open an issue before submitting a pull request. This project uses with a few minor exceptions. If you are submitting a pull request that involves Pug templates, please make sure you are using spaces, not tabs.