Transparent use in a Delphi Application 6. Final Notes 7. Additional Information 1. Introduction Using Firebird with a direct connection to the Internet brings always two questions: performance and security. Firebird does not have internal support to compress IP packets, nor the possibility to encrypt the data that is transmitted over the wire. Delphi dbgrid is not showing mysql varchar columns. Ask Question 0. I'm using delphi XE2 and working on a mysql database project. I have a mysql database which has a table consisting of four columns. I have two sample rows in this table. I'm using a TDatabase, TQuery, TDatasource and a TDBGrid to connect to the databse with following source.
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To our athletes I would like to congratulate you for your perseverance and hard work in being selected into our National Team. Your hard work and sacrifices have no doubt paid off in the fulfillment of your dreams in “making the cut” as a Person with Determination who will be representing our beloved nation in the Special Olympic World Summer Games. In fact, it is an ideal and rewarding opportunity of a life time and you should be very satisfied and equally proud of such an achievement.